Below is an outline of the course, as well as some of the guidelines we will be following in class. A copy of this is sent home the first week of school. The last page is a copy of my class contract that needs to be signed by both the parent and student.
This form is available as a PDF Document, at both the TOP and BOTTOM of the page
INTRODUCTION Television Production is a hands on philosophy designed to promote interest and training into all that goes on in a television studio. This course will help you gain a better understanding of what it takes to put together a full broadcast from pre-production to air-time. Exploration of this medium will be further developed by looking at the cultural impacts it creates, and how it evolves over time with society. As a result there is an appreciation gained for the craft and possible related career fields.
You will be able to describe what the medium of Television has had on individuals and society.
You will be able to apply basic production methods used in a Television studio.
You will learn all of the various production jobs essential to complete various projects.
You will learn how to write news stories, skits, PSA’s, advertisements, etc for television.
You will create content with a notion for how it may both positively/negatively impact people.
You will practice skills and techniques to be successful on air talent.
You will be able to properly use and operate all functions of a television camera, lighting and sound equipment, and studio controls.
You will learn basic editing techniques to apply in post production.
You will have fun. Promise.
ABOUT THE CLASS Television and video production is a time sensitive activity and demands a working knowledge of advanced computer software and electronics. It also requires that each student work in a cooperative environment and show leadership skills in managing yourself, deadlines, group members, and tasks in group and individual projects.
Respect of the equipment is essential. Equipment is limited and expensive and we need to keep it in excellent working condition. The use of school equipment is a privilege. Please use the equipment correctly and safely at all times, or you will lose the privilege of using it. Not being allowed to use the equipment will severely impact your ability to complete assignments.
There may be times where shooting video will be done outside of the studio, and after school. All shooting locations in and around school must be approved by the teacher first. If scheduling after school shoots be sure to use the equipment as efficiently as possible and organize this with Mr. Leonard first. Please remember that you may be tapped at anytime in the classroom for a demonstration. That being said...
If you are assigned to be somebody’s talent, you can not refuse to be on camera. Everyone in class will end up spending equal amounts of time on-camera.
I cannot stress enough the importance of safety in video production. Electricity is dangerous, so handle lights, cords, etc. with the utmost care. Be aware of your surroundings at all times when shooting. Safety of you and your crew is #1.
Regular and on-time attendance is critical to success in this class.
You need a positive attitude, a good work ethic and willingness to push yourself into new areas of your own creativity.
You are responsible for your actions at all times.
Do not touch things you are not working on. Others may have work in progress.
If you get it out, put it away. If you make a mess, clean it up. The classroom and studio should be clean at the end of every class.
The editing stations, control room, and studio are a no food and drink area. Bottled water is OK, but will not be brought into the studio or control room.
Any unethical, inappropriate, or destructive behavior will not be tolerated and can be grounds for dismissal from this classroom.
When you are outside the classroom working on assignments you are to act maturely and responsibly. Your actions reflect the teacher, this class, and school.
Take care of the things you are working with, computers, cameras, etc. Any issues or problems report to the teacher immediately.
There will be a lot of group projects. Once your group is established, that is the group you will work with. If there are problems within the group, please let me know, but try and solve them!
Do your Best!
Work Hard!
Work Together!
Have Fun!
Projects, projects, projects! Projects are a huge emphasis on in-class work, and your final grade. While we will have homework, quizzes, and tests, projects will make up a majority of your grade. Due to the nature of the class, with group work and discussions, part of the grade will be based on class participation.
Note: not completing a project will result in a 0 for that project. It is always better to turn in something, rather than nothing.
Projects.....................................40% Homework...............................20% Test/Quiz..................................10% Class Participation................30%
Television Production Expectations and Goals Contract
I, _________________________________________, as a student in Mr. Leonard’s Television Production class understand that video production is a time consuming and sensitive medium. Attendance and arriving to class on time is essential for me to work on projects, turn in material on time, and pass this class. I will do my best to be here on time everyday, for myself, my group, and my grade.
I am aware that this is a very project oriented class, and in-class work, and other non-media papers and reports may not be enough to keep my grade afloat. I will do my best to complete every assignment.
I understand the subject matter in my videos cannot include:
Socially inappropriate material
Failure to follow these criteria could cause you to fail the assignment and/or class.
All assignment proposals need to be submitted to Mr. Leonard for approval. While he will do his best not to limit creative expression, he will always err on the side of caution.
My goal is to create a professional portfolio-quality projects that can be used to demonstrate my skills to future employers, college admission boards, or my parents. I will strive to make something to be very proud of.
I understand that my failure to abide by or complete the policies or procedures outlined here may result in my failure of the course.
If you have any questions or concerns, you can reach the instructor at [email protected]